Young actor Nikhil’s yet another variety entertainer ‘Surya Vs Surya’ will be creating more intrest to film lovers, The film's Song releasing today. In this movie Nikhil playing a young man suffering from the rare Porphyria disorder. The film’s teaser was released on Sankranthi and raised the expectations on the movie and SS Rajamouli Also appreciated the concept.
Cinematographer Karthik Ghattamaneni turns as director with this intresting flick. Tridha Choudhary Playing female lead in the film.Veteran actress Madhubala playing crucial role. Karthikeya director Chanddo Mondeti penned dialouges for this film. The shooting of ‘Surya Vs Surya’ is nearing completion, and the film will be released on 14th February as a Valentine’s Day special.